tecnologia italia per l'industria dei laterizi e della ceramicaItalian technology for heavy clay and ceramic industry
Disce pati, si vincere voles
Disce pati, si vincere voles
Engineering and construction of brick and refractory dryers. Realization of complete ventilation systems for drying. Automation of the drying cycle.
Engineering and construction of static high performance kilns or tunnel kilns for cooking the material up to 1,500°. Pile wagons and kiln automatic regulation.
Engineering, construction and service on all drying and kiln handling machines. Wagons cleaning machines and automatic greaser machines.
Engineering and technical consulting at all stages of the production process. Laboratory tests, analysis and field measurements with the most modern systems.
Spare parts for kilns, ceramic and refractory production plants. Spare parts for burners and generators of any brand. Used and reconditioned equipments and machines.